
Press Again.

Actually it's press at last. The City Paper story was delayed a week for space restrictions and is online tonight. Philadelphians can pick up the hard copy in the morning. I'm looking forward to the feedback and wish that great things come of it. Or just something real keen.

Sparacino Mens, located at 115 S. 13th St. has just become our first retail outlet on the planet. The late Tony Sparacino was an old neighbor of mine and a pillar in the gay community and fashion scene in this town. We had discussed him carrying the shirts before he got sick. A fortuitous acaquaintance with Tim, the store's manager has led to him trying out three designs; LIERAQ, If I had a Grave I'd be spinning in it and Intelligent Design Isn't. The shop consistently wins awards and reader favorite polls for its ever so tasteful line. We're honored to be represented.

We're going to be doing a special run on American Apparel shirts for them. If they fly we'll carry them on the site.

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