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Look for an article on Progresswear in the May 31st edition of the Philadelphia City Paper. It should be appearing online Wednesday evening, the 31st. The photographer's coming to shoot on Tuesday. It'll be a great shot in the arm for this venture.
In preparation for the traffic we're busy designing new shirts. An initial list of over 200 of my better ones was edited to 82, then 40. Now it's just a question of how many we can have up and on the site by the time the article appears.
Also, look for us selling shirts on the street this coming First Friday in Philadelphia. It'll be out first time hitting the streets with our product. Say hi to Hannah.
It's been some time since I've added anything new to this. Moving twice in two months, an avalanche of work for The King Group, computer and network problems galore and life in general have put any blogging for Progresswear on the back burner.
We've been busy designing new shirts though and are planning on having them on the site within the next couple of weeks. We're about to get some press coverage here in Philadelphia that I'm sure will bring many new first time visitors. The new homepage design will be implemented throughout the site for the product pages and some of our better ideas that we've yet to execute will finally be available for purchase.
Some earlier blog posts from last year will make a reappearance in the coming days as well. Watch this space.